Joplin Regional Artists Coalition
Board Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019
Attending: Angel Brame, Chadan Tomlin, Emily Rose, Daria Claiborne, Sandra Parrill, Marta Churchwell, and Laura Lowry-Greene
A motion was made to accept the minutes of the August board meeting. The motion, made Sandra Parrill and seconded by Laura Lowry-Greene, was unanimously approved.
Angel Brame presented a treasurer’s report showing $8,742.93 in the treasury. This includes income from Studio Tour fees from 10 members and dues from three new members. A motion to accept the report was made by Marta Churchwell and seconded by Sandra Parrill. The motion was unanimously approved.
A membership report by Daria Claiborne showed a total of 114 members. Five to six members dropped memberships by never renewing.
Daria Claiborne presented a Studio Tour report showing 15 artists participating. She reported the following details:
- Marketing materials are prepared for printing and, hopefully, will be ready for distribution at Joplin Arts Fest.
- Tour information has been posted on various community social media sites, and a spot on Newsmakers public TV program at Missouri Southern is set for Weds., Oct. 2.
- Beimdieck Insurance Co. will be contacted about liability insurance for the event.
- A mandatory meeting for participating artists is set for 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 6, at Mosaics Gallery at 20th and Indiana.
Sandra Parrill discussed the August JRAC Coffee Talk, reporting that those in attendance suggested inexpensive workshops to teach the fundamentals of mediums and presented by local artists. They also suggested that JRAC hold a spring-cleaning sale in which people could sell or trade surplus art supplies or unwanted artwork.
Emily Rose reported a continuing need for volunteers for Joplin Arts Fest on Friday, Sept. 20, and Saturday, Sept. 21. Emily and Laura Lowry-Greene agreed to make phone calls to members to recruit them as volunteers.
New exhibit guidelines were presented by Angel Brame, who noted that the guidelines will be posted on the JRAC website and distributed prior to exhibits. A motion was made by Marta Churchwell and seconded by Laura Lowry-Greene to approve the guidelines with a special thanks to Angel for compiling them. The motion was unanimously approved.
An update of the JRAC brochure was discussed by Angel Brame, who noted the following feedback she’d received in editing of the brochures:
- Add that JRAC is a nonprofit organization in the first paragraph of the brochure.
- Delete information on the former Arty Hour and replace it with info on JRAC Coffee Talk.
- Add scholarship information for new members.
- Change membership levels to include only artist and art business memberships, deleting professional and business sponsors, patrons, and supporters.
- A motion was unanimously approved to keep the JRAC post office box at $80 per year. That address will continue to be listed on the brochure. The motion was made by Angel Brame and seconded by Sandra Parrill.
In discussion on a proposed professional development workshop on framing of artwork, it was noted that Debbie Reed has agreed to assist in leading the workshop. Emily Rose agreed to contact Michelle Knight of Deck the Walls about hosting the workshop and discussing not only framing, but also printing of giclees, prints and photographs. There was a suggested date of Tuesday, Oct. 22, for the workshop.
Emily Rose reported that Images in Tile has invited JRAC members to a gathering to discuss its new products and services, including merchandising for artists. A date of Wednesday, Sept. 25, has been proposed and Emily is to contact the company about flexibility of that date and to work out details of the meeting.
In discussion on the JRAC exhibit in November and early December at Spiva Center for the Arts, Emily Rose noted that the show title will be ARTerior MOtives, which is open to interpretation by artists. The gallery rental fee will be $250, plus $40 for an exhibit sign, but clarifications will be sought regarding the commission to be charged on artwork that is sold. Dates and other information related to the exhibit is as follows:
- Art drop-off was set for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3, with hanging of the exhibit to follow.
- The week prior to the art drop-off artists will be asked to submit artwork tag information, bios, liability waivers, and other required information.
- The exhibit reception was tentatively set for Thursday, Nov. 7.
- Pick up of artwork was set for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 22.
- A motion was made to authorize an expenditure of $50 for drinks for the reception. Members will be asked to bring snacks. The motion, made by Laura Lowry-Greene and seconded by Sandra Parrill, was unanimously approved.
A motion was unanimously made to extend a membership scholarship to photographer Garett Gabriel, contingent upon verification that he resides within the JRAC geographic area. The motion was made by Angel Brame and seconded by Chadan Tomlin.
Sandra Parrill announced that local artwork is being accepted in the gift shop of the Shoal Creek Conservation Center, south of Joplin.
Next meeting of the board will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8, at the Joplin Public Library.